Install Kernel 4.10.1 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint And Other Ubuntu Derivative Systems |
Here’s how to install kernel 4.10.1 (note that there are separate instructions for 32-bit and 64-bit systems):
Wait for the kernel packages to be installed, which could take a few minutes, and then reboot your computer. If you see any error, you should run the "sudo apt install -f" command, which should resolve any dependency issues. If you run into any problems, follow these instructions on how to remove Linux kernel 4.10.1 :How to install Kernel 4.10.x on 32 bit Ubuntu and derivative systems:Download the needed packages:cd /tmpwget \ \ \ \Install the Kernel:sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.10.deb linux-image-4.10.debHow to install Kernel 4.10.x on 64 bit Ubuntu and derivative systems:Download the needed packages:cd /tmpwget \ \ \ \Install the Kernel:sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.10.deb linux-image-4.10.deb
$ sudo apt-get remove linux-headers-4.10* linux-image-4.10*