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How to Change your linux Password From Terminal

In this tutorial you will learn how to change linux password. youll need change your password via terminal. this how to do it.

One step which is strongly recommended to improve the security of Linux server is change the root password that is assigned by default of the provider. It is not believed but to minimize the risks and safe than sorry when has anyone managed to break through the server. Moreover, in its own way quite easy.

Because the command must be entered on the terminal to do so. Password replacement could be due to security concerns, would find it easier to change the password on Windows than Ubuntu.

Changing the password is one of the commands from the terminal. Maybe there were difficulties because they are unfamiliar with Ubuntu, you can follow the steps below.

  • Open a terminal by clicking Home → → select the type of terminal or terminal can also press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + T.
  • Then enter the command "sudo passwd" without quotes, then enter.
  • Type in your password being, these are invisible (not visible) and then enter.
  • Then enter a new password (invisible) → enter.
  • Type a new password again before → enter.

If you already have, "password updated successfully" means a user password successfully changed.
With just a little step by entering commands into the terminal password can be replaced. Okay, that last day I'll discuss how to increase the number of users on Linux Ubuntu.


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