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Difference Between FAT and NTFS File Systems

Difference Between FAT and NTFS File Systems

Comparison between NTFS and FAT

Fat 16 was developed in 1981 for dos

Fat 16 was designed to handle floppies

Fat 32 is an extension of Fat 16

Fat 32 introduced in service pack 2 of Windows 95

Operating systems may recognise Fat16, but not Fat 32 (Win NT)

You can go from FAT to NTFS but not the other way around

FAT = File Allocation Table

NTFS = New Technology File System

Difference Between FAT and NTFS File Systems

Default File system In Windows XP, 2k and NTFat 16 not compatible with XP, FAT is more
Support For Drives over 40gb, Files over GBcompatible with other operating Systems(Windows 95, etc)
Allows extended file names, foreign charactersFAT 16 has 8.3 character limitation
Has a severely crippled maintenance system in chkdsk Chkdsk is notoriously slowHas better, more and interactive recovery utilities (scandisk) Scandisk is very quick Just a space for the OS to read files
Increased security with file encryption Smaller file clusters, 4kbFaster on drives less than 10gb FAT 16 cluster size is 32kb
Compression to reduce disk spaceNo
User permissions for files and foldersNo
File copies are “undone” if interrupted, cluster chains is cleaned Small files are kept in Master File Table at the beginning of the drive Not compatible with different operating systems on the same computerCluster chains containing data from interrupted copies are marked as damaged Master File Table are separate from files


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